Over Stichting Kinderhulp Bosnië  /  About Stichting Kinderhulp Bosnië     
Deze website ondersteunt van harte de doelstellingen van de Stichting Kinderhulp Bosnië:  http://www.kinderhulpbosnie.nl/index.php

Maakt U gebruik van het werk dat ik op deze website publiceer, overweeg dan een donatie te doen aan dit Daadwerkelijk Goede Doel waar niets van Uw gift aan de strijkstok blijft hangen, maar alles  ten goede komt aan de kinderen. Zoals het hoort.
Wanneer U bij het Opmerkingen-veld van de overschrijving vermeldt "Plonswerk", weet de penningmeester van de Stichting ook waar de gift geïnitiëerd werd.
Het geeft mij tevens de mogelijkheid zicht te houden op hoeveel deze website genereert.

Namens de kinderen dank !
This website supports whole-hearted the objectives of Stichting Kinderhulp Bosnië: http://www.kinderhulpbosnie.nl/index.php

Since the Foundation website is in the Dutch language, a brief overview to inform you. With thanks to the Son of Claw for the translation :-)

In (ex-)warzones, children pay the highest price: they always are the most vulnerable and innocent of victims. The physical and psychological traumas that war inflicts on these children can scar them for life, crippling the very generations that must one day rebuild their devastated countries. For the future peace of the world we must do everything in our power to help these children.

Stichting Kinderhulp Bosnië, from now on referred to as "the Foundation", is an independant foundation, run by a team of volunteers. The goal of the Foundation is to give these children a vacation to set them at ease, to step back a bit from the home-situation and the difficult circumstances that they have to live in. During the days with the guest-families they can have fun, good laughs and be kids as they should be.
All donations are used to cover the costs that are not covered by sponsors and/or the guest-families. For the year 2009, € 15500 was required to cover the costs for the trip, insurances etc. for 42 children.

If you live within European Community, you can -at no extra cost- make your donation by bank transfer. Use the following bank details:

Stichting Kinderhulp Bosnië
IBAN: NL59INGB0002964733
Currency: Euro's
Choose SHA (share costs)

If you add the text "Plonswerk" in the Remark-field, the Foundation will know where the donation was initiated

If you live outside the EC, transferring money cannot be done without extra costs. As soon as the foundation has created a PayPal-account, this will be much easier. Until then: send your good thoughts: they are appreciated :-)